Get in touch if you have a problem, don’t hesitate we like your input! Please contact us directly using, we will endeavor to respond within 24 hours.
If you wish any data we hold On Now & Then about you to be removed from our servers we will need to confirm your identity via email, so please email us in the 1st instance.
The only data we hold in relation to you is: Email, First Name, Last Name, and if you chose to logion via Facebook or Google the optional id you provided us with for that or those services.

To download the Android Phone version of the App go here:
To download the Apple Phone version App go here:
As an organisation you will need the web App version so many employees can work on your Now & Then via email.
Please be aware the app is young and the map is not as populated as much as it could be yet, this is changing, get ahead of the curve, save your strapped for cash heritage sites by helping them with a low/no cost solution to raising funds